Ministry Of Finance Issues Decision On Exception From Registration For Corporate Tax

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  • Ministry Of Finance Issues Decision On Exception From Registration For Corporate Tax


11 Apr 2023

UAE Corporate Tax Exemptions

The Ministry of Finance has recently released a new Ministerial Decision, no. 43 of 2023, that provides exceptions from tax registration for Corporate Tax Law purposes. The decision was issued in compliance with Article 51 of the Corporate Tax Law, which requires taxable individuals to register with the Federal Tax Authority for Corporate Tax unless they meet specific requirements. In addition, the new decision outlines the categories of individuals and organizations exempt from registering for Corporate Tax.

The exemptions cover various entities, including government-controlled entities, extractive businesses, and non-extractive natural resource businesses that satisfy the necessary conditions outlined in the Corporate Tax Law. In addition, non-resident individuals are not required to register for Corporate Tax if they only generate UAE sourced income and do not have a Permanent Establishment in the UAE.

The Ministry's decision follows international best practices in exempting individuals or organizations from Corporate Tax registration if they are not subject to tax. This includes the federal government, UAE government departments and authorities, other public institutions, and the categories mentioned earlier. Accordingly, these entities will not need to register with the Federal Tax Authority if they continue to meet the exemption conditions mentioned in the relevant articles of the Decree-Law.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Finance's new decision clarifies the exceptions from tax registration for Corporate Tax purposes. The Ministry aims to promote international best practices by exempting certain individuals and organizations while facilitating compliance with the Corporate Tax Law.

How Can AMCA Auditing Help?

Do you find it challenging to keep up with the latest corporate tax news in the UAE? Then, look no further than AMCA Auditing.

Our expert team assists businesses across all areas, including corporate tax, transfer pricing, value-added tax, anti-money laundering, and more. In addition, we thoroughly review each client's business and offer tailored solutions to their unique needs.

At AMCA Auditing, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in auditing, accounting, taxation, and advisory services. We stay up-to-date with all changes in laws, rules, and regulations in the UAE, and we make it our mission to keep our clients informed at every step.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to have all of your questions answered. At AMCA Auditing, we are committed to our client's success and prioritize their satisfaction.




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